Handles GNMA, FNMA, FHLMC and Conventional mortgage-backed securities, as well as adjustable rate mortgages. In addition, Interest Only (IOs), Principal Only (POs), and swaps designed to mimic MBS securities are also valued. Prepayments may be entered as standard PSA, SMM or CPR speeds, or as prepayment functions based on interest rate movements. Calculates prices, average life, duration, convexity, and where applicable, the full range of greeks. Yield tables, sensitivity analysis, and total rate of return analysis may be easily produced.
All models are Y2K compliant, and satisfy requirements for FASB 133. Customized TOPS deal entry and deal valuation screens come with the purchase of each model. Models may be purchased separately, as an entire suite, or as a partial suite. Ask about our generous Multiple Model Discount Program.
TOPS MBS Model List:
IO_PO, IPS, IPSFit, MBSVal, Ratchet